3 Modifiable Lifestyle Factors to Soothe Inflammation and Manage Pain
Pain is a common condition, with a broad spectrum of sensations and emotions, that can significantly affect quality of life. Pain can be described as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Persistent pain
Are your food choices making you anxious?
Is your diet making you anxious? Anxiety encompasses feelings of worry, apprehension, fear and nervousness. These feelings can be difficult to manage and can impede on our ability to live a comfortable life. For some, feelings of anxiety are characterised by
Peri menopause: What’s going on?
Peri menopause is considered the period of time before menopause starts, prior to the cessation of periods for 12 consecutive months (menopause). For some women, peri menopause can come on gradually and mostly go unnoticed, whilst for others this may be
Optimising Thyroid Function: Naturopathic Strategies for Hormonal Harmony
Your thyroid is a small but powerful gland that resides at the base of your neck. This little gland works overtime controlling and influencing multiple body systems and biological functions, from your menstrual cycle to your mood, nervous system, metabolism,
How Do I Get My Child To Take A Supplement?
'How do I get my Child to take a Supplement?' is a question our Naturopath Kimberley Taylor gets ask by many parents. Here are her top 10 tips
10 Nutrition Tips to Support UTI Prevention
It is essential to seek the support of a qualified health care practitioner at the onset of UTI symptoms to provide appropriate treatment, and in the case of recurrent UTI’s to discuss a treatment plan to support prevention. With that,